Ugandan anti-gay law is a threat to the rights of LGBTQ+ sex workers and will reverse the hard-won gain in sex workers’ HIV response in Africa. Jun 06, 2023 0
REGISTRATION FORM Organization Name Main Email Address Alternate Email Address WhatsApp Number Alternative WhatsApp Number Country 1.4. Our organization wishes to register as a member of the following Sub-region East Africa Central Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa Western Africa 1.5. Our organisation wishes to receive communications from ASWA Secretariat in: Portuguees French English Our organisation wishes to register as a sex workers-led organisation Full Member – With Voting Rights 6.1. Who does your organisation work with – female, male and/or transgender sex workers, clients, thirds parties, families, partners and friends? (Maximum 50 words) 6.2. How are sex workers involved in your organisation? (Maximum 50 words) 6.3. What are the two main challenges that the sex workers you work with face? (Maximum 100 words) 6.4. Describe other areas of your work (Maximum 50 words) 6.5. Which of ASWA’S goals does your organisation also work on? Human rights: Sex workers’ human rights are promoted and protected Health: Sex workers have universal access to health services, including for HIV. Labour: Sex work is recognised as work. Stigma and discrimination: Sex workers live free from stigma and discrimination. Decriminalisation and legal oppression: Sex workers do not face criminalisation or legal punishment. Violence: Sex workers live free from all types of violence Migration and trafficking: Sex work is not conflated with trafficking and sex workers can move and migrate freely. Economic empowerment: Sex workers have free choice of employment and economic security. Universal Health Coverage (UHC): Engagement at country, regional or global conversation UHC 6.6. How or where did you hear about ASWA? If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit