Congolese sex workers face death, rape and sexual violence
ASWA is in solidarity with sex-workers organisations HODSAS and UMANDE in DR Congo to STRONGLY CONDEMN the recent violence against sex workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo. On the 16th of September 2020, three sex workers (Jeanette, Bahati and Mugoli) in Kavumu in the territory of Kabare, 35 km from the city of Bukavu faced immense violence. It is heart-breaking to hear that one of them was killed and the rest were hospitalized while they were looking for daily bread- which is very hard to come by in the COVID-19 pandemic- to feed their families.
In addition, from August 15 2020 to September 17 2020, 97 cases of rape, 264 cases of sexual violence and one murder against sex workers were recorded by the team’s leader in the city of Bukavu and Uvira.
ASWA’s vision is to amplify African sex workers’ voice and therefore we are calling for AN IMMEDIATE STOP to this Violence.