ASWA Research on the impact of COVID-19 on sex workers in Africa
ASWA implemented a COVID-19 impact survey to identify emerging issues
Decriminalisation Policy Project
ASWA in collaboration with Accountability International launched the Africa Regional
Sex Workers Resilience Fund
ASWA is leading the development of a Sex Workers Resilience
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) Shadow Reports
ASWA has collaborated with Sexual Health Rights Initiative to provide
ASWA Sub-granted 25 countries In 2020
One of the impact of COVID-19 is that physical meeting
Sex Workers Murder Monitoring Tool And E-Training On Building Capacity Among Sex Workers In Africa To Respond To Violence
African Sex Workers Alliance (ASWA) supported by Frontline AIDS conducted
Labour Rights project: Decent Work Agenda (Labour Rights)
ASWA is currently undertaking a project dubbed “Sex Work and
Key Populations Representation Evidence and Advocacy for Change in Health (KP REACH) Programme
ASWA undertook the Key Populations Representation Evidence and Advocacy for
Sex Workers Academy Africa (SWAA)
ASWA has conducted its flagship, unique and one-of-a-kind SWAA (Sex