The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence occurs yearly and it involves a global campaign to eliminate violence and starts on 25 November and ends on the 10th December which is Human Rights Day. The Campaign was initiated by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL) at its first Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991.
The activism is to support sex workers to stay safe and free of violence. We are all urged to take action during this year’s 16 Days of Activism to End Gender-Based Violence.
The global theme for 2021, 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, which will run from 25 November to 10 December 2021, is “Orange the world: End violence against women now!”
The 2021 Global 16 Days Campaign is purposed to make the sex workers more visible by showcasing their plights and recommendations since their lives and livelihoods have been acutely impacted by violence against them, COVID-19 and the unprecedented economic crisis that has followed.
ASWA calls for the elimination of the alarming existing pandemic of violence against all sex workers.
ASWA also calls for support to end violence against sex workers in Africa.
Report violence against sex workers here:
DAY 1 of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. ASWA calls for support to end violence against sex workers in Africa.
Day 2: Kenya/Uganda: Discrimination of sex workers and violence was high in the Kenya -Uganda border as sex workers were accused of spreading COVID-19. Joyce Adhiambo Kenya

DAY 3: South Sudan: The arrest, harassment, intimidation on camera by the South Sudanese officials and also the disclosure of sex worker HIV status on the Facebook page of the Office of the Mayor of Juba City Council in South Sudan violates sex workers rights. Marley South Sudan.
DAY 4: South Sudan: The State should prevent, prohibit, investigate and punish all acts of violence, and other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment on sex workers in South Sudan.
Mark Bwaggu East Africa
DAY 5: The trans sex workers are facing another pandemic; a pandemic of violence at the intersection of homophobic, transphobic, and whorephobic hate crimes.
Rachael Gawases Namibia
DAY 6: The number of sex workers who are victims of harassment, physical attacks, and violence has sharply increased.
Daisy Nakato Uganda
DAY 7: Trans women and queer sex workers experience such shocking amounts of violence and staggering discrimination. They are a target of the intersection of transphobic, homophobic and whorephobic hate crimes and violence.
Jessica Laura kenya
DAY 8: Sex workers continue to face violence and are living with the aftermath of trauma and the fear of possible repeat victimisation.
DAY 9: We need to ensure that sex workers are able to work without restrictions that violate their rights nor fear for their lives.
Kerena Mavinga Wete Angola
DAY 10: We must work together with lawmakers at all levels to ensure that policies protect all sex workers in all their diversity, and we must work to support our trans friends and family.
Dibaia wa Dibaia Dirão Angola
DAY 11: Violence against sex workers is associated with inconsistent condom use or lack of condom use, and with increased risk of STI and HIV infection
DAY 12: Violence prevents sex workers from accessing HIV information and services.
Amaka Enemo Nigeria
DAY 13: Addressing violence can make it easier for sex workers to access services and make their own choices about their long-term health and welfare.
Grace kabayaga Uganda
DAY14: Sex workers who face violence should be facilitated to access justice through legal services.
Lawrence Phiri Zimbabwe
DAY 16: We call for the elimination of the alarming existing pandemic of violence against all sex workers in Africa.
Lungile Khumalo Eswatini
DAY 16: Egypt has spent the last decades targeting and prosecuting sex workers using punitive laws targeting sex work and also laws related to public morality.
Nora Noralla Egypt